Raw + Calibrated SubX 2-Meter Temperature, Precipitation, and 500-mb Geopotential Heights (Week 3-4 MME)

Calibration models statistically relate dynamical model reforecasts to observations over some historical period. These statistical relationships are then applied to correct real-time dynamical model forecasts. A bayesian joint probability method of calibration (EW + CRPS) is applied here, along with re-plotted ELR-calibrated forecasts courtesy of IRI. Contact Johnna Infanti (johnna.infanti@noaa.gov) or Justin Hicks (justin.hicks@noaa.gov) with any questions or comments.

North America | Global | Africa | Central America | Hispaniola | Hawaii

BJP Calibrated Skill Maps

Raw + Calibrated MME Forecast Anomalies/Probabilities
Weighted Unweighted Weighted Lag Unweighted Lag
Weighted Unweighted Weighted Lag Unweighted Lag
Weighted Unweighted Weighted Lag Unweighted Lag
Weighted Unweighted Weighted Lag Unweighted Lag
Weighted Unweighted Weighted Lag Unweighted Lag
Weighted Unweighted Weighted Lag Unweighted Lag
Weighted Unweighted Weighted Lag Unweighted Lag
Weighted Unweighted Weighted Lag Unweighted Lag
Weighted Unweighted Weighted Lag Unweighted Lag

Individual Model Anomalies (Raw)
North America | Global | Africa | Central America | Hispaniola | Hawaii

Individual Model Probabilities (BJR-Calibrated)
North America | Global | Africa | Central America | Hispaniola | Hawaii

Individual Model Probabilities (ELR-Calibrated)
North America | Global | Africa | Central America | Hispaniola | Hawaii

Individual Model Probabilities (2-Category)
North America | Global | Africa | Central America | Hispaniola | Hawaii

Individual Model Probabilities (3-Category)
North America | Global | Africa | Central America | Hispaniola | Hawaii

Verification (HSS, Expected Count)
Heidke Skill Score

Verification (ACC, Hit/Miss)
Anomaly Correlation Coefficient