Climate Diagnostics Workshop
Miami, Florida (Oct 26-30, 1998)

An Overview of Reanalysis-2

These are the slides used in the talk,

  1. title
  2. introduction
  3. Reanalysis plans
  4. overview of Reanalysis-2
  5. differences between Reanalysis-2 and NCAR/NCEP Reanalysis
  6. observed precipatation and soil moisture
  7. no runoff scenario
  8. runoff scenario
  9. Reanalysis-2 and N/N Reanalysis
  10. summary
    The following are examples on how the analyses have changed
  11. Global energy budget
  12. Summer US precipitation
  13. 300 mb RH
  14. 850 mb RH
  15. snow and sfc temperature
  16. spectral snow
  17. 2 meter temperature
  18. 0-10 cm soil moisture
  19. 10-200 cm soil moisture

The proceedings of the Climate Diagnostics Workshop will have the following write up.

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