wgrib2: -set_hex
The -set_hex option sets 1 octets (byte) to a
a specified hex value. The hex value ranges from 0 to ff.
-set_hex I J K
I = section number = 1..7
J = location in the section = 1..(section length)
K = 00 .. ff
would set
Section I, Octet J to hex value K
-set_hex I J K1:K2:K3:..KN
I = section number = 1..7
J = location in the section = 1..(section length)
Ki = 00 .. ff
Sets Section I, Octet J to K1
Sets Section I, Octet J+1 to K2
-set_hex I J K1K2K3..KN for v2.0.8+
I = section number = 1..7
J = location in the section = 1..(section length)
Ki = 00 .. ff
Sets Section I, Octet J to K1
Sets Section I, Octet J+1 to K2
SECTION=0 .. 7
I-M = Mth octet as 2 digit hex number
This examples requires wgrib2 v2.0.8+
The file, template_512.grb, was converted from grib1, and the
delta-lon, and the extreme latitudes were only to the nearest
millidegree (grib1 precision).
wgrib2 template_512.grb -grid
Gaussian grid: (512 x 256) units 1e-06 input WE:NS output WE:SN
number of latitudes between pole-equator=128 #points=131072
lat 89.463000 to -89.463000
lon 0.000000 to 359.233000 by 0.703000
The grid with full precision can be obtained by using -new_grid,
and the contents of sec3 (grid definition) can be obtained by -0xSec 3.
-sh-4.1$ wgrib2 template_512.grb -new_grid_winds earth -new_grid ncep grid 170 junk
+ wgrib2 template_512.grb -new_grid_winds earth -new_grid ncep grid 170 junk
1:0:d=2016010109:PRES:mean sea level:2390 hour fcst:
-sh-4.1$ wgrib2 junk -0xSec 3
+ wgrib2 junk -0xSec 3
The script to change the precision of the Gaussian grid is given by
wgrib2 $1 -set_hex 3 1 "$sec3" -grid -grib $1.new
The above script assumes that the size of the original section 3 is greater or equal to the size of the new section 3.
If it isn't, you have to use the option -set_sec_size 3 72. Of course, you cannot make arbitrary changes
to the grid definition because the number of grid points has to match the grid points in the data section.
See also: