wgrib2: -ijlat
The -ijlat option prints the latitude, longitude and
value of the grid point (i,j) where i = 1..nx and j = 1..ny. Note,
by default the grid is converted to a WE:SN order which puts (1,1)
in the South-West corner. Note, multiple -ijlat can be on the command line.
-ijlat i j
i = 1 .. nx
j = 1 .. ny
-sh-2.05b$ wgrib2 new.grb2 -s -ijlat 1 1
1:0:d=2005082812:HGT:1000 mb:78 hour fcst:(1,1),lon=0,lat=-90,val=162.3
-sh-2.05b$ wgrib2 new.grb2 -s -ijlat 1 1 -ijlat 2 2
1:0:d=2005082812:HGT:1000 mb:78 hour fcst:(1,1),lon=0,lat=-90,val=162.3:(2,2),lon=1,lat=-89,val=183.7
See also: -ij, -ilat, -lon