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HOME > Monitoring_and_Data > Oceanic and Atmospheric Data > Reanalysis: Atmospheric Data > wgrib2-get_hex

wgrib2: -get_hex


The -get_hex option is identical to the -get_byte option excepts it prints the bytes in hexidecimal format. see the 20 and 21 octet (byte in WMO speak) of section 4, you would use -get_byte 4 20 2. The first argument is the section number. The second is the byte (octet) number starting from 1 (consistent with WMO documentation) and the third is the number of octets to display.

The input arguments to the option are in decimal rather than in hexidecimal because all the grib2 documentation uses decimal numbers to specify the byte locations.


SECTION = section to print
OCTET = starting octet to print
NUMBER = number of octets/bytes to print


$ wgrib2 f.grb2 -get_hex 0 1 12
See also: new grib, -set_byte -get_ieee -get_int

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