Nature of UV Radiation
Ultraviolet(UV) radiation is a specific part of the sun's entire spectrum
of wavelengths Figure 1. UV radiation can be
further sub-divided into three parts. UV-C is characterized by wavelengths less than 280
nm. Although highly dangerous to plants and animals, this part of the UV spectrum is
completely absorbed by stratospheric ozone and does not reach the earth's surface. UV-B
ranges in wavelengths between 280 and 320 nm. Ozone absorbs much of the shorter wavelength
radiation, but this absorption weakens as 320 nm is approached. Plants and animals are
particularly affected by this part of the UV spectrum. UV-B effects to humans are
reddening of the skin (erythema) and reduction of vitamin-D synthesis in the short term,
development of skin cancer, cataracts and suppression of the immune system in the long
term. The wavelengths of UV-A radiation range between 320 and 400 nm. Ozone absorbs very
little of this part of the UV spectrum. UV-A radiation is needed by humans for the
synthesis of vitamin-D; however, too much UV-A causes photoaging (toughening of the skin),
suppression of the immune system and, to a lesser degree, reddening of the skin, and
cataract formation.
Figure 2
shows a plot of solar spectral irradiances (mW/m2/nm) at the surface from 290
to 400 nm for day-of-year 172 (June 22) at solar noon with a total ozone amount of 300
Dobson Units (DU). Note that the spectral irradiance increases by five orders of magnitude
between 290 and 400 nm. Although the spectral irradiances drop off precipitously from 320
to 290 nm, it is in this range that the greatest changes occur in response to changes in
total column ozone or in the path length that the sun's light must travel through the
atmosphere to reach the surface. These changes are significant. It is at these wavelengths
that plants and animals are most sensitive to UV radiation exposure. Also illustrated in
Figure 1 is the standard erythemal (or sunburning) action spectrum (McKinlay and Diffey,
1987) adopted by the Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (C.I.E.) to represent the
average skin response over the UV-B and UV-A regions of the spectrum. Note how the shorter
wavelengths are highly sensitive in comparison to the longer wavelengths. The erythemal
action spectrum is a composite of several investigators' measurements of the response of
many different human skin types to UV radiation and is not representative of any one skin
type. The term "skin type" is meant to depict not only the natural pigmentation
of the skin, but also the likelihood of one's skin to either burn or tan.
Figure 3
shows the net product of applying the erythemal action spectrum to the irradiance spectrum
shown in Figure 2. Note that the peak value is near 308 nm. This peak rises (lowers) with
decreasing (increasing) amounts of total column ozone. When integrated over the range of
290 to 400 nm, the resultant erythemal irradiance (mW/m2) or "dose
rate" indicates the instantaneous amount of skin damaging UV radiation. This dose
rate has been observed to change by the rate of about 1.25 0.20% per one percent change in
total column ozone(McKenzie, et al., 1991), a concept known as the Radiative Amplification
Factor (RAF). The RAF of 1.25 quoted above was determined at Lauder, NZ (45�S). McKenzie,
et al. point out that this RAF value tends toward higher values at larger solar zenith
angles. However, the amount of UV radiation reaching the surface at these larger solar
zenith angles is much less than at smaller solar zenith angles.
A "dosage" value may be obtained by integrating the dose rate over a period of time (i.e., minute, hour, day, year).
Showing how the UV dose rate varies throughout the day, Figure 4 represents a typical mid-summer, diurnal curve of erythemally weighted UV
dose rates at 20�N, 40�N, and 60�N with the same amount of ozone overhead. Note the
rapid rise (decrease) during the mid-morning (mid-afternoon) hours. However, during the
solar noon hour (half hour on either side of solar noon) the curve is relatively flat.
This curve becomes broader and flatter with lower noontime values as one approaches the
poles and narrower and more peaked with higher noontime values as one approaches the