HOME > Monitoring and Data > U.S. Climate Data > Precipitation & Temperature > Daily Precipitation Analyses > Alaskan Precipitation Analysis
CPC produces maps and data for the U.S., monitors intraseasonal rainfall and the North America monsoon,
and provides several retrospective analyses at daily time scales.
Disclaimer: Gridded precipitation over Canada will eventually be masked due to sparse station coverage.
Alaska Daily Precipitation Analysis


About the Analysis
Data Source: River Forecast Center ~250 stations per day.
Resolution: 2.0 degree x 2.0 degree
Domain: 49 N - 75 N, 170 W - 130 W
Format: The format is sequential 32-bit IEEE floating point created
on a big_endian platform (e.g. cray, sun, sgi and hp). The undefined (missing) value is 9999.
Window: Day 1 analysis is valid for the window from 12Z on day 0 to 12Z on day 1
Analysis Scheme: Modified Cressman (1959) Scheme (Glahn et al. 1985; Charba et al. 1992).