IRI Extended Logistic Regression (ELR) Calibrated Week 3-4 SubX Images

Through a joint CTB project between CPC and IRI, IRI has created calibrated Week 3-4 SubX predictions using extended logistic regression (ELR) methods. Below is a selection of ELR calibrated forecasts that have been re-plotted for CPC. Images below depict week 3-4 precipitation and temperature ELR calibrated median 2-category forecasts. All images are courtesy the IRI ELR team, and have simply been re-plotted.

Additional images, including tercile categories and week 2-3 predictions can be found at the IRI experimental map room:

Additonal images can easily be brought into this page for ease of use, contact Johnna for requests.

PI's: Andrew Robertson and Dan Collins

ELR Team: Andrew Robertson (IRI), Cuihua Li (IRI), Jing Yuan (IRI), Mike Tippett (IRI), Nachiketa Acharya (IRI) Dan Collins (CPC), Emerson LaJoie (CPC), Johnna Infanti (CPC)

For BJP Calibrated tmp2m, visit

Week 3-4 North America | Week 3-4 Global | Week 3-4 Africa | Week 3-4 Central America

ELR Calibrated Forecast Probabilities