Agenda: PDF 
NOAA's 34th Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop will be held in Monterey, California, on 26-30 October 2009. The workshop will be hosted by the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA; and co-sponsored by the Climate Prediction Center (CPC) of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction and the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command. The AMS is a cooperating sponsor.
The workshop will concentrate on the status and prospects for advancing climate monitoring, assessment and prediction, with emphasis on societal impact of climate over the western US. This includes three major themes: (i) improving climate predictions / predictability, (ii) understanding and attribution of climate variability and its impacts, and (iii) application of climate predictions / projections in the development and delivery of products relevant to user communities in the Western US. The Workshop will feature oral sessions with a mix of invited and submitted presentations and thematic poster sessions. The primary focus areas for the workshop will include:
Recent climate events.We encourage presentations on analyses, forecasts, and forecast verification concerning climate events during the preceding year.
Coupled atmosphere-ocean modeling of the climate system.We invite submissions on a wide range of topics in climate scale statistical and dynamical modeling, including development of initial states, hindcasting, reanalysis, reforecasting, multi-model ensemble modeling, and related topics. Modeling of seasonal to interannual variability is of special interest, but presentations on intraseasonal and decadal scale modeling are also welcome.
Impact of global scale climate variations on western U.S. weather and climate.We invite both observational and modeling papers on intraseasonal and interannual variations that affect western US weather and climate. We also welcome presentations on the impacts in the west of longer period variations and global climate change.
Shifts in climate means and interdecadal variations.We invite papers on analyzing and forecasting a climate system that is undergoing long term shifts and oscillations. Topics include the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, the impacts on seasonal prediction of long term climate forcing factors (e.g., CO2, aerosols), the regional impacts of global climate change, and related topics.
Application of climate science in decision making.We invite papers on the use of climate analyses and forecasts in decision making. This includes topics such as: applications of climate analyses and long range predictions of the marine environment (e.g., winds, waves, mixing, clouds, ocean temperatures, upwelling, currents); the development of climate based risk management plans (e.g., plans for mitigating climate scale risks in water, power generation, flood, and wildfire management); strategies for effectively translating and presenting climate information to decision makers (e.g., translation of probabilistic forecasts, development of GIS based products); and related topics.
The outcome of this year’s workshop will be an assessment of our current understanding and ability to predict climate in time scales ranging from week-2 through interdecadal, including identifying opportunities for advances, and exploring new products to support regional decision making.
To submit an abstract, please go to the webpage:
Please select a session and complete the web form. If you experience problems with the web form, please send the required information as an attachment via email to or
The abstract deadline is AUGUST 31, 2009.