In the Tropics, El Niņo episodes are associated with increased rainfall across the
east-central and eastern Pacific and with drier than normal conditions over northern
Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines. Elsewhere, wetter than normal conditions tend to
be observed 1) during December-February (DJF) along coastal Ecuador, northwestern Peru,
southern Brazil, central Argentina, and equatorial eastern Africa, and 2) during
June-August (JJA) in the intermountain regions of the United States and over central
Chile. Drier than normal conditions generally observed over northern South America,
Central America and southern Africa during DJF, and over eastern Australia during JJA.
El Niņo episodes also contribute to large-scale temperature departures throughout the
world, with most of the affected regions experiencing abnormally warm conditions during
December-February. Some of the most prominent temperature departures include: 1) warmer
than normal conditions during December-February across southeastern Asia, southeastern
Africa, Japan, southern Alaska and western/central Canada, southeastern Brazil and
southeastern Australia; 2) warmer than normal conditions during June-August along the west
coast of South America and across southeastern Brazil; and 3) cooler than normal
conditions during December-February along the Gulf coast of the United States.