Investigators Project Title

Funded Projects for FY22 (funding period: Aug 2023 - Aug 2025)

Paul Roundy and Emerson LaJoie

Ensemble Post Processing to Remove Projections onto Temporal Spatial Error Eigenvectors to Optimize Seasonal to Subseasonal Forecasts

Christiana Stan (PI), Avichal Mehra, F. Martin Ralph, Jiabao Wang, Yutian Wu, Cheng Zheng, Hyemi Kim, Tara Jensen, Andrea Jenney, Daniela Domeisen, Chaim Garfinkel

Diagnostics Package for MJO-Teleconnections

Bo Huang (PI), Mariusz Pagowski, Stephen Penny, Sergey Frolov, Georg Grell, Jeffery McQueen, Shobha Kondragunta, Jerome Barre

Development of a Global Aerosol Reanalysis at NOAA in Support of Climate Monitoring and Prediction

Baoqiang Xiang, Nathaniel Johnson, Kristen Schepel, Kai-Chih Tseng, Wei Zhang (Co-PI), Daniel Harnos, Laura Ciasto

Transitioning NMME-based seasonal predictions of atmospheric river activity into an operational forecast product

(Project Archives)

1)   Test the most relevant and promising research advances

2)   Make NCEP infrastructure and expertise available to the external community

3)   Deploy the developments arising from funded MAPP-CTB research projects into NCEP operational climate forecast systems, products, and applications


MAPP-CTB Funded Projects