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Climate Test Bed

  e-Newsletter Vol. 1  •  No. 5  •  2015

Recent CTB Seminar:
The Year of Tropics-Midlatitude Interactions and Teleconnection

December 9, 2015  Prof. Cristiana Stan of George Mason University gave a CTB seminar, introducing the Virtual Field Campaign (mid 2017- mid 2019) - "The Year of Tropics-Midlatitude Interactions and Teleconnection" for the WMO Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) Prediction Teleconnections Sub-Project. A comprehensive review on the current state of knowledge on teleconnections at intraseasonal time scales was made, raising challenges of

two-way interactions (the influence of mid-latitudes onto tropics and vice versa) and feedbacks from observations and modeling studies. By planning of intense coordination, which involve existing observational data, forecasts and applications, diagnostics, theory and modeling experiments, this campaign is to foster relationship between research, forecasting, and stakeholder communities, and facilitate the sharing of common interests to explore the links between the tropics and midlatitudes for a better prediction skill at intraseasonal time scales.  Comments and suggestions from audience were appreciated for advancing the project. 

 Abstract      Abstract     Presentation pdf Presentation pdf

End-of-Year NMME Teleconference

December 10, 2015  There was a rich agenda for this end-of-year NMME teleconference with an update on the NCAR NMME Phase-II data archive and four reports on new research movements. An NMME archive highlight has been added to the NCAR Climate Data Portal home page.  Right now, the NMME archive contains over 8000 datasets and roughly 800,000 files. Data use has increased significantly over the past three months.  Average monthly downloads are at ~12TB (based on past 3 month average) with about 70 organizations represented (primarily US university and federal agencies).  NCAR/CESM planned to contribute to the real time NMME forecast ensemble, for which it had completed the hindcast of monthly mean fields for January-April, 1980-2010.

 40th NOAA CDPW Anniversary
Extended Summary

Synthesis and Integration: Challenges Facing the Next Generation Operational CFS  
Synthesis and Integration: Challenges Facing the Next Generation Operational CFS  
J. Zhou, J. Huang, A. Mariotti, D. Barrie, J. L. Kinter III, A. Kumar

The NOAA/CPO/MAPP Model Diagnostics Task Force worked in progress on process-oriented metrics, which linked model  development and evaluation to provide physical insight relating how process errors lead to model biases. It fits in with the needs of the next-generation model development at modeling centers and the upcoming CMIP6 project. The researcher in George Mason University reported to use SST as a proxy to estimate Arctic sea ice for 1982-2009, exploring possible sea ice evaluation in NMME data. Given the strong El Niño this year, Princeton University professor planned a class group project to make real-time forecasts for 2016 winter hydroclimate in the western U.S and called for a community participation.

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