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HOME > Monitoring and Data > Oceanic & Atmospheric Data > Monthly Atmospheric and SST Indices

General Information



200 millibar (mb) Zonal Winds Equator (165°West-110°West):
850 mb Trade Wind Index (135°East-180°West) 5°North-5°South West Pacific:
850 mb Trade Wind Index (175°West-140°West) 5°North-5°South Central Pacific:
850 mb Trade Wind Index (135°West-120°West) 5°North-5°South East Pacific:
QBO.U30.Index (replaces 30 mb Singapore Winds [refer to Frequently Asked Questions]):
QBO.U50.Index (replaces 50 mb Singapore Winds [refer to Frequently Asked Questions]):

Sea Level Pressure (SLP)

Darwin Sea Level Pressure (1951 - Present):
Tahiti Sea Level Pressure (1951 - Present):
Darwin (SLP) 1882 - 1950:
Tahiti (SLP) 1882 - 1950:

Southern Oscillation Index (SOI)

(Stand Tahiti - Stand Darwin) Sea Level Pressure:
(Stand Tahiti - Stand Darwin) SLP 1882 - 1950:

Equatorial SOI

Indonesia SLP (Standardized Anomalies):
Equatorial Eastern Pacific SLP (Standardized Anomalies):
Equatorial SOI:

Sea Surface Temperature (SST)

Weekly OISST.v2.1 (1991-2020 base period) Niño 1+2 (0-10°South)(90°West-80°West) Niño 3 (5°North-5°South)(150°West-90°West) Niño 4 (5°North-5°South) (160°East-150°West) Niño 3.4 (5°North-5°South)(170-120°West):
Monthly OISST.v2.1 (1991-2020 base period) Niño 1+2 (0-10°South)(90°West-80°West) Niño 3 (5°North-5°South)(150°West-90°West) Niño 4 (5°North-5°South) (160°East-150°West) Niño 3.4 (5°North-5°South)(170-120°West): 

Monthly ERSSTv5 (1991-2020 base period) Niño 1+2 (0-10°South)(90°West-80°West) Niño 3 (5°North-5°South)(150°West-90°West) Niño 4 (5°North-5°South) (160°East-150°West) Niño 3.4 (5°North-5°South)(170-120°West) Monthly ERSSTv5 (centered base periods) Niño 3.4 (5oNorth-5oSouth) (170-120oWest)
  • Data (monthly input to the Oceanic Niño Index)
Seasonal ERSSTv5 (centered base periods) "Oceanic Niño Index" or the 3-month running average in Niño 3.4 (5oNorth-5oSouth) (170-120oWest)
  • Data (Oceanic Nino Index)
Seasonal ERSSTv5 (1991-2020 base period) 3-month running average in Niño 3.4 (5oNorth-5oSouth) (170-120oWest)
Seasonal ERSSTv5 3-month running average in Relative Niño 3.4 (5°North-5°South) (170-120°West)
  • Data (Relative Oceanic Nino Index)
Monthly (1991–2020 base period) Relative Niño-3.4 (5°North–5°South) (170–120°West)
North Atlantic (5-20°North, 60-30°West), South Atlantic (0-20°South, 30°West-10°East), Global Tropics (10°South-10°North, 0-360):


Zonally Average 500 MB Temperature Anomalies:

Outgoing Long Wave Radiation (OLR)

Outgoing Long Wave Radiation Equator (160°E-160°W):
Monthly Central Pacific OLR Index (1991-2020 base period 170°E-140°W,5°S-5°N):

NOAA/ National Weather Service
NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction
Climate Prediction Center
5830 University Research Court
College Park, Maryland 20740
Page Author: Climate Prediction Center Internet Team
Page last modified: January 21, 2021
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